
Freitag, 19.07. Samstag, 20.07. Sonntag, 21.07. Montag, 22.07. Dienstag, 23.07. NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr
05:00 –05:15 NHK NEWSLINE
05:00 –05:10 NHK NEWSLINE
05:00 –05:10 NHK NEWSLINE
05:00 –05:15 NHK NEWSLINE
05:00 –05:15 NHK NEWSLINE
05:10 –05:40 Today's Close-Up
05:15 –05:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
05:15 –05:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
05:15 –05:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
05:30 –06:00 Japan Railway Journal
Must-see Railway News: The Latter Half of 2023
05:30 –06:00 J-MELO
all at once and Coda Mahiru
05:30 –06:00 Medical Frontiers
Groundbreaking New Drug for Breast Cancer
05:35 –05:40 Time-lapse 3min.
05:40 –05:50 The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
Are We Different? Are We the Same?
05:40 –05:50 Listen to the Earth
Protect yourself from lightning
05:50 –06:00 TAKE TECH
Capture the Light
05:50 –06:00 Story Land
The Snow Woman
06:00 –06:15 NHK NEWSLINE
06:00 –06:10 NHK NEWSLINE
06:00 –06:10 NHK NEWSLINE
06:00 –06:15 NHK NEWSLINE
06:00 –06:15 NHK NEWSLINE
06:10 –06:20 Trails to Oishii Tokyo mini
06:10 –06:25 The World Heritage Sites in Japan
The Sacred Shogun : Shrines and Temples of Nikko
06:15 –06:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
06:15 –06:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
06:15 –06:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
06:20 –06:25 The Seasons of Yamato /The 24 Solar Terms
Greater Heat Whispers of water
06:25 –06:30 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Wishing Upon the Stars
06:25 –06:30 Japan Time-Lapse Ainu
Ainu Boats
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
Kinboshi(Gold Star Victory)
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
Salt Tossing
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
Leg Tripping Techniques
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
Belt Fighting Style
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
Push and Thrust Style
07:00 –07:15 NHK NEWSLINE
07:00 –07:10 NHK NEWSLINE
07:00 –07:10 NHK NEWSLINE
07:00 –07:15 NHK NEWSLINE
07:00 –07:15 NHK NEWSLINE
07:10 –07:40 Japan's Top Inventions (28 min.)
Automatic Door Sensors / Banknote Printing Machines
07:10 –07:40 Hometown Stories
07:15 –07:30 Direct Talk
Piyush Tewari / Founder & CEO of Save LIFE Foundation
07:15 –07:30 Direct Talk
07:15 –07:30 Direct Talk
Ishihara Yurina CEO, Support for Woman's Happiness
07:30 –08:00 Asia Insight
07:30 –08:00 Where We Call Home
07:30 –08:00 Journeys in Japan
Rambling Around Secluded Yanbaru
07:40 –07:55 BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life
Linear Rainbands
07:40 –07:45 Core Kyoto mini
Hina Dolls: In prayer for healthy, happy children
07:45 –08:00 Wild Hokkaido!
Cycling around Rishiri Island
07:55 –08:00 PythagoraSwitch mini
08:00 –08:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
08:00 –08:10 NHK NEWSLINE
08:00 –08:10 NHK NEWSLINE
08:00 –08:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
08:00 –08:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
08:10 –09:00 Lung Cancer Survivor
Record of a 14-year battle
08:10 –09:00 The Devil's Gorge : Mapping No Man's Land in the Himalayas
08:30 –08:45 BENTO EXPO
Season 3: Episode 14
08:30 –08:40 Learn Japanese from the News
08:30 –09:00 Dining with the Chef
08:40 –08:45 Easy Japanese
It was really fun.
08:45 –09:00 Zero Waste Life
Old Decks, New Tricks
08:45 –08:55 Culture Crossroads : BOSAI Be Prepared
Flood and rainstorm simulations
Special Series of Iwate in June
09:00 –09:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
09:00 –09:10 NHK NEWSLINE
09:00 –09:10 NHK NEWSLINE
09:00 –09:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
09:00 –09:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
09:10 –09:55 Kurara The Dazzling Life of Hokusai's Daughter
Part1, Subtitles
09:10 –09:25 NHK WORLD TV Special program
09:25 –10:00 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
09:30 –10:00 Trailblazers
09:30 –10:00 Seasoning the Seasons
A Truck of Dreams: Tokyo's Arakawa Line
09:30 –10:00 Document 72 hours
At a Tokyo Insect Store
09:55 –10:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(1)
"The Great Wave off Kanagawa" by Hokusai
10:00 – 15:00 Uhr 15:00 – 20:00 Uhr 20:00 – 24:00 Uhr 24:00 – 05:00 Uhr