
Mo, 07.10.
0930 – 1000

NHK World

Seasoning the Seasons
Kisoji: Highroad Among Mountains

Land und Leute, Japan

Weitere Ausstrahlungstermine

Montag 07.10. 04:30 Uhr
NHK World
Montag 07.10. 15:30 Uhr
NHK World

Weitere Episoden

Montag 16.09. 04:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
The Ikegami Line: Through the Heart of Tokyo 
Montag 16.09. 09:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
The Ikegami Line: Through the Heart of Tokyo 
Montag 16.09. 15:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
The Ikegami Line: Through the Heart of Tokyo 
Montag 23.09. 04:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Nara: Where Demons Roam 
Montag 23.09. 09:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Nara: Where Demons Roam 
Montag 23.09. 15:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Nara: Where Demons Roam 
Montag 30.09. 04:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Jomon: 10,000 Years of Nostalgia 
Montag 30.09. 09:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Jomon: 10,000 Years of Nostalgia 
Montag 30.09. 15:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Jomon: 10,000 Years of Nostalgia 
Montag 07.10. 04:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Kisoji: Highroad Among Mountains 
Montag 07.10. 09:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Kisoji: Highroad Among Mountains 
Montag 07.10. 15:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Kisoji: Highroad Among Mountains 
Montag 14.10. 04:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Montag 14.10. 09:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons
Montag 14.10. 15:30 Uhr
NHK World
Seasoning the Seasons