
Montag, 13.01.
HSE24 K1 Doku n-tv N24 Doku NHK World 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr
      05:00 –06:15 Faszination historische Militärtechnik
05:00 –05:10 NHK NEWSLINE
05:10 –05:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
05:23 –05:30 Hit the Road 5minutes
05:25 –05:35 Nachrichten
05:30 –06:15
Die Schatzsucher von Oak Island
Endlich Gewissheit
05:30 –05:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
05:35 –06:00
05:57 –06:00 Sumopedia
Championship Prizes
06:00 –06:20 Nachrichten
06:00 –06:10 NHK NEWSLINE
06:10 –06:15 RAMEN JAPAN 5min.
Yamagata Ramen
06:15 –07:00 Die Schatzsucher von Oak Island
Auf Tauchstation
06:15 –07:05 Der Zweite Weltkrieg in Zahlen: Der Pazifikkrieg
06:15 –06:30 Direct Talk
Deciphering the Language of Birds
06:20 –06:40 Nachrichten
06:30 –06:57 Where We Call Home
A Well-Rooted Future for Children
06:40 –07:00 Nachrichten
06:57 –07:00 Time-lapse Japan
YONEZAWA: Shirabu Onsen
07:00 –07:45 Die Schatzsucher von Oak Island
Chronologie der Funde
07:00 –07:10 Nachrichten
07:00 –07:10 NHK NEWSLINE
07:05 –07:55 Lost Places - Folge 85
07:10 –07:30 Telebörse
07:10 –07:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
07:23 –07:30 On the Wings 5min.
Osaka to Aomori Airport
07:30 –07:40 Nachrichten
07:30 –07:40 Activate Your Japanese!
I can use that!
07:40 –08:00 Telebörse
07:40 –07:45 Easy Japanese
07:45 –08:30
Die Schatzsucher von Oak Island
Die Leginas sind zurück
07:45 –07:55 Culture Crossroads
Rakugo Leaps Over Language Barriers
07:55 –08:50 Lost Places - Folge 81
Special Series of Hokkaido in November
08:00 –09:00 Mode von Fiora Blue
08:00 –08:10 Nachrichten
08:00 –08:10 NHK NEWSLINE
08:10 –08:30 Telebörse
08:10 –08:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
Natural Stone Walls
08:30 –09:30 Infomercials
08:30 –08:40 Nachrichten
08:30 –09:00 Seasoning the Seasons
Totsukawa: Autumn in a Hidden Village
08:40 –09:00 Telebörse
08:50 –09:45 Lost Places - Folge 80
09:00 –10:00 Helena Vera Kombimode
09:00 –09:10 Nachrichten
09:00 –09:10 NHK NEWSLINE
09:10 –09:30 Telebörse
09:10 –09:14 Time-lapse Journey
Connecting Japan and the World
09:14 –09:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
09:15 –09:23 NEWSLINE BIZ
09:23 –09:30 Japan From Above: UpClose
09:30 –10:00 Auf den Spuren des Unerklärlichen - The Proof is Out There
UFO im Eis
09:30 –09:40 Nachrichten
09:30 –09:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
09:40 –10:00 Telebörse
09:45 –10:35 Die Porschemeister - Wiedergeburt eines 911
09:57 –10:00 Sumopedia
Championship Prizes
10:00 – 15:00 Uhr 15:00 – 20:00 Uhr 20:00 – 24:00 Uhr
20:00 –21:00 Ovanti Strickdesign
  20:00 –20:15 Nachrichten
  20:00 –20:27 Hometown Stories
20:15 –21:00
Forged in Fire - Wettkampf der Schmiede
Die Blech-Challenge
20:15 –21:05 Donald Trump - Mythos, Macht & Manipulation
Folge #01.01
20:15 –21:10 Der Zoll - Auf Schmugglerjagd (2)
20:27 –20:30 Easy Japanese
Can we buy tickets?
20:30 –20:35 Core Kyoto mini
Fushimi Inari Taisha: A manifestation of prayers to the deities
20:35 –20:50 Wild Hokkaido!
Horseback Riding on the Tokachi Plain in Fall
20:50 –20:55 Time-lapse Japan
OKINAWA: US Influences
Mt. Fuji Mural Painter
21:00 –22:00 Helena Vera Kombimode
21:00 –21:50
Forged in Fire - Wettkampf der Schmiede
Das Parang-Nabur
21:00 –21:15 NHK NEWSLINE
21:05 –22:00 Donald Trump - Mythos, Macht & Manipulation
Folge #01.02
21:10 –22:05 Spektakuläre Konstruktionen: Stahlbrücken
21:15 –21:18 The World Heritage Sites in Japan
The Ancient Prayers Transcending Time : Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated Sites
21:18 –21:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
21:30 –22:00 Medical Frontiers
Exercise Is the Key to Surviving Cancer
21:50 –22:10
Forged With Steele
Tödlicher Stern
22:00 –23:00 BE GOLD by Belinda Gold
22:00 –22:05 Nachrichten
22:00 –22:15 NHK NEWSLINE
22:05 –23:00 #Trump - Die Präsidentschaft der sozialen Medien
22:05 –23:05 Mega-Konstruktionen: Champlain Bridge
22:10 –22:35 Tim Allen - Volle Heimwerker-Power
Der Alles-Schredder
22:15 –22:18 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
22:18 –22:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
22:30 –22:57 Where We Call Home
A Well-Rooted Future for Children
22:35 –00:10
Morlock Motors - Big Deals im Westerwald
22:57 –23:00 Time-lapse Japan
YONEZAWA: Shirabu Onsen
23:00 –00:00 BE GOLD by Belinda Gold
23:00 –23:15 Nachrichten
23:00 –23:15 NHK NEWSLINE
23:05 –00:05 Abenteuer Straße: Bulgarien
23:15 –23:30 Telebörse
23:15 –23:18 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
23:18 –23:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
23:30 –00:20 Fliegende Machtzentralen - Die Privatjets der Staatschefs
23:30 –23:40 Activate Your Japanese!
I can use that!
23:40 –23:45 Easy Japanese
23:45 –23:55 Culture Crossroads
Rakugo Leaps Over Language Barriers
Special Series of Hokkaido in November
24:00 – 05:00 Uhr