
Freitag, 18.10.
HSE24 K1 Doku n-tv N24 Doku NHK World 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr
  05:00 –05:15 NHK NEWSLINE
05:15 –05:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
05:30 –06:15 Hitler und Stalin (1)
05:30 –06:00 Japan Railway Journal
Railcars Dressed in Tradition
06:00 –06:15 NHK NEWSLINE
06:15 –07:10 Big Data: Gefahr und Chance
06:15 –06:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
06:30 –07:00 NHK WORLD-JAPAN Special program
07:00 –07:15 NHK NEWSLINE
07:10 –08:00 Big Data: Autonome Maschinen
07:15 –07:30 Direct Talk
07:30 –08:00 Asia Insight
08:00 –09:00 Lavelle: Home-, Night- & Beachwear
08:00 –08:55 Lost Places - Geisterstädte
08:00 –08:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
08:30 –08:45 BENTO EXPO
Season 4: Episode 9
08:45 –09:00 Zero Waste Life
08:55 –09:50 Lost Places - Folge 16
09:00 –10:00 Maloo by Sonya Kraus
09:00 –09:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
09:30 –10:00 JIB Program
09:50 –10:30 Lost Places - Folge 20
10:00 – 15:00 Uhr
10:00 –11:00 Couture Line Designermode
      10:00 –10:14 NHK NEWSLINE
10:14 –10:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
10:15 –10:23 NEWSLINE BIZ
10:23 –10:30 Chatroom Japan
Are You Proud of Your International Background?
10:30 –11:20 Lost Places - Die Westernstadt
10:30 –11:00 NHK WORLD-JAPAN Special program
11:00 –12:00 Gentlemen Selection Fashion for Men
11:00 –11:14 NHK NEWSLINE
11:14 –11:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
11:15 –11:30 Direct Talk
11:20 –12:15 In Seenot: Die Fähre Herald of Free Enterprise
11:30 –12:00 Japan Railway Journal
Railcars Dressed in Tradition
12:00 –13:00 Maloo by Sonya Kraus
12:00 –12:17 NHK NEWSLINE
12:15 –13:10 In Seenot: Das Containerschiff Flaminia
12:17 –12:18 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
12:18 –12:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
12:30 –13:00 Asia Insight
13:00 –14:00 Couture Line Designermode
13:00 –13:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:10 –14:05 Legende auf vier Rädern - Porsche 911
13:27 –13:40 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
13:40 –13:55 Direct Talk
13:55 –14:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
End of Summer Edo Aquatics
14:00 –15:00 Gentlemen Selection Fashion for Men
14:00 –14:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
14:05 –15:00 Ein Mann. Ein Motor. Eine Legende. - AMG
14:30 –14:45 BENTO EXPO
Season 4: Episode 9
14:45 –15:00 Zero Waste Life
15:00 – 20:00 Uhr 20:00 – 24:00 Uhr 24:00 – 05:00 Uhr
00:00 –08:00 Unsere Highlights
      00:00 –00:18 NHK NEWSLINE
00:05 –01:00 USA Top Secret: Die Alien-Enthüllung
00:18 –00:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
00:30 –00:45 BENTO EXPO
Season 4: Episode 9
00:45 –01:00 Zero Waste Life
01:00 –01:00
01:00 –01:00
01:00 –01:00
01:00 –01:45 Schusswunden - Klinikalltag in den USA
01:00 –01:10 NHK NEWSLINE
01:10 –01:15 Chatroom Japan
Are You Proud of Your International Background?
01:15 –01:20 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
End of Summer Edo Aquatics
01:20 –01:25 Time-lapse Japan
JOMON Lacquer
01:25 –01:30 Japanology Plus mini
Soba Restaurants
01:30 –02:00 NHK WORLD-JAPAN Special program
01:45 –02:30 Gefängnisse: Wärterinnen ohne Waffen
02:00 –02:10 NHK NEWSLINE
02:10 –03:00 Documentary 360
02:30 –03:15 Die JVA Aachen - Das Hochsicherheitsgefängnis
03:00 –03:10 NHK NEWSLINE
03:10 –03:57 NHK Drama Showcase
03:15 –04:00 Fahnder, Fälle und Forensik - Verbrecherjagd in Bits und Bytes
03:57 –04:00 The Masterpieces of Ukiyo-e producer Tsutaju
Woman with a Glass Noisemaker
04:00 –04:45 USA Top Secret: Die Jagd nach Hitlers Schätzen
04:00 –04:10 NHK NEWSLINE
04:45 –05:30 USA Top Secret: Die Alien-Enthüllung