
Montag, 14.04. Dienstag, 15.04. Mittwoch, 16.04. Donnerstag, 17.04. Freitag, 18.04. Insight TV Insight TV Insight TV Insight TV Insight TV 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr 10:00 – 15:00 Uhr 15:00 – 20:00 Uhr 20:00 – 24:00 Uhr
20:00 –20:59 Hunting Fish
  20:00 –20:59 Strange World
Ice Bombs
20:13 –20:44 Running the World
20:44 –21:14 Running the World
20:44 –21:44 Living Stone
This is It
20:44 –21:29 Sweet Planet
Sweet Collisions
20:59 –21:30 The Blockchain Life
Decentralized Dream
20:59 –22:00 Strange World
Alien Sounds
21:14 –22:00 The Road to Dharma
Quantum Leaps in Rishikesh
21:29 –21:59 Sweet Planet
Sweet After Bitter
21:30 –22:00 Around the World in 80 Tricks
Paris & Barcelona
21:44 –22:44 Dracula: Escape the Castle
First Blood
21:59 –22:29 Breakthrough
Building The James Webb Telescope
22:00 –22:30 Around the World in 80 Tricks
22:00 –22:45 The Road to Dharma
End of Stories - A Trechorous Night
22:00 –23:00 Unearth
Germ Warefare
22:29 –23:00 Breakthrough
First Images: The James Webb Telescope
22:30 –23:00 Epic Exploring
22:44 –23:00 Power &
Darius Lewis
22:45 –23:00
Born To
Emma Dahlstrom
23:00 –23:30 Epic Exploring
23:00 –00:00 Access All Areas
23:00 –00:00 Unearth
Nuclear 2.0
23:00 –23:30 Capturing Winter
Layla Kerley & Bruno Compagnet
23:00 –23:28 Journey Within
Joshua Tree
23:28 –23:59 Journey Within
23:30 –00:30 Epic Exploring
Germany / Morocco
23:30 –23:59 Capturing Winter
Tristan 'Shu' Lebeschu
23:59 –01:00 King of the Hammers: The Ultra4 Saga
It is what it is..
23:59 –00:59
Winter Gold
24:00 – 05:00 Uhr