
Sonntag, 20.10. Montag, 21.10. Dienstag, 22.10. Mittwoch, 23.10. Donnerstag, 24.10. Insight TV Insight TV Insight TV Insight TV Insight TV 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr
05:00 –06:00 THRU
05:00 –06:00 Dracula: Escape the Castle
The Well
05:00 –06:00 Epic Exploring
U.S.A. / Belgium
05:00 –06:00 Unearth
Life Beyond Earth
05:00 –05:30 A Simple Path
05:30 –06:00 A Simple Path
New Jersey
06:00 –06:30 Ghost Chasers: Exploring the Other Side
Trinity Theatre - England
06:00 –07:00 I Am Invincible
The Moment
06:00 –06:30 A Simple Path
06:00 –07:00 Graveyard Carz
The Big Cheesesteak
06:00 –07:00 My Greek Odyssey
06:30 –07:00 Ghost Chasers: Exploring the Other Side
Chateau de Fougeret - France
06:30 –07:00 A Simple Path
New Jersey
07:00 –07:30 Ghost Chasers: Exploring the Other Side
Berengaria Hotel - Cyprus
07:00 –08:00 THRU
07:00 –08:00 THRU
Mind the Gap
07:00 –08:00 THRU
Access Denied
07:00 –08:00 THRU
Double Cross
07:30 –08:00 Ghost Chasers: Exploring the Other Side
Patarei Prison - Estonia
08:00 –08:30 Ghost Chasers: Exploring the Other Side
Goli Otok Prison Island - Croatia
08:00 –09:00 THRU
Mind the Gap
08:00 –09:00 THRU
Access Denied
08:00 –09:00 THRU
Double Cross
08:00 –09:00 THRU
Mystery Lake
08:30 –09:00 Ghost Chasers: Exploring the Other Side
Trinity Theatre - England
09:00 –10:00 Dracula: Escape the Castle
First Blood
09:00 –10:00 Epic Exploring
U.S.A. / Belgium
09:00 –09:30 Sweet Planet
Sweet After Bitter
09:00 –09:30 The Armchair Adventurer
The Berg River
09:00 –09:30 A Simple Path
09:30 –09:45 Born To
James Woods
09:30 –10:00 The Armchair Adventurer
The Majestic Cederberg
09:30 –10:00 A Simple Path
New Jersey
09:45 –10:00 Born To
Nani Roma
10:00 – 15:00 Uhr 15:00 – 20:00 Uhr
15:00 –16:00 THRU
15:00 –16:00 THRU
15:00 –16:00 THRU
Mind the Gap
15:00 –16:00 THRU
Access Denied
15:00 –16:00 THRU
Double Cross
16:00 –16:30 A Simple Path
New York
16:00 –17:00 THRU
Mind the Gap
16:00 –17:00 THRU
Access Denied
16:00 –17:00 THRU
Double Cross
16:00 –17:00 THRU
Mystery Lake
16:30 –17:00 A Simple Path
17:00 –18:00 Graveyard Carz
Full Metal Phoenix
17:00 –17:45 Sweet Planet
Sweet Collisions
17:00 –18:00 Epic Exploring
U.S.A. / Belgium
17:00 –18:00 Order Up!
Back to Basics
17:00 –18:00 Graveyard Carz
The Big Cheesesteak
17:45 –18:00 Born To
James Woods
18:00 –19:00 Order Up!
Back to Basics
18:00 –19:00 Unearth
Life Beyond Earth
18:00 –18:30 A Simple Path
18:00 –19:00 My Greek Odyssey
18:00 –19:00 I Am Invincible
The Return
18:30 –19:00 A Simple Path
New Jersey
19:00 –20:00 Epic Exploring
U.S.A. / Belgium
19:00 –20:00 Dracula: Escape the Castle
First Blood
19:00 –20:00 Dracula: Escape the Castle
The Well
19:00 –20:00 Dracula: Escape the Castle
The Pentagram
19:00 –20:00 Dracula: Escape the Castle
The Bullet
20:00 – 24:00 Uhr 24:00 – 05:00 Uhr