
Mittwoch, 02.04. Donnerstag, 03.04. Freitag, 04.04. Samstag, 05.04. Sonntag, 06.04. NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr 10:00 – 15:00 Uhr
10:00 –10:30 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:30 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:30 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:10 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:10 NHK NEWSLINE
10:10 –10:20 Time and Tide
10:10 –10:30 Somewhere Street
10:20 –10:25 The seasons of Yamato
10:25 –10:30 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
10:30 –10:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
10:30 –10:57 Lunch ON!
10:30 –10:57 Document 72 Hours
10:30 –10:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
10:30 –10:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
11:00 –11:30 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:30 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:30 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:10 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:10 NHK NEWSLINE
11:10 –11:40 DESIGN X STORIES
Evolving Renovations
11:10 –11:40 CYCLE AROUND JAPAN Highlights
Hokkaido - Crossing the Summer Plains
11:30 –12:00 Science View
Microorganisms Living in Extreme Environments
11:30 –12:00 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
11:30 –12:00 Japan Railway Journal
Riding in Style: Exploring Japan's Tourist Trains
11:40 –11:50 u&i
Everyone Feels Things Differently
11:40 –11:50 Design Ah neo
Under the Lid
11:50 –12:00 Texico
11:50 –12:00 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
12:00 –12:30 NHK NEWS 7
12:00 –12:30 NHK NEWS 7
12:00 –12:30 NHK NEWS 7
12:00 –12:10 NHK NEWSLINE
12:00 –12:10 NHK NEWSLINE
12:10 –12:55 Train Cruise
Under the Blue Spring Skies of Iwate
12:10 –12:40 J-MELO
East of Eden and edhiii boi
12:30 –13:00 Dive in Tokyo
Hamura - The Story of a Tranquil Waterworks Town
12:30 –13:00 Core Kyoto
The Tale of Genji: Elegance that transcends the ages
12:30 –13:00 Asia Insight
The Uncertainty of China's "Factory Inheritors"
12:40 –12:50 Little Charo
12:50 –12:55 Japanology Plus mini
12:55 –13:00 Japanology Plus mini
Cats and Japan
12:55 –13:00 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Niigata: Rice Town
13:00 –13:28 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:00 –13:28 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:00 –13:28 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:00 –13:10 NHK NEWSLINE
13:00 –13:10 NHK NEWSLINE
13:10 –13:40 JAPAN DELISH
Curry Rice
13:10 –13:25 RAMEN JAPAN
13:25 –13:30 Core Kyoto mini
Maki-e: A sumptuous world of gold and black
13:28 –13:43 Direct Talk
Goto Netsuko Aufguss Master
13:28 –13:43 Direct Talk
Maeda Yosuke Social Entrepreneur / CEO, WOTA
13:28 –13:43 Direct Talk
Komatsu Yuka Photographer
13:30 –13:45 Easy Japanese for Work
Offering support
13:40 –13:55 BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
How to Survive a Flood
13:43 –13:55 MATSURI: The Heartbeat of Japan
Sawara Taisai: Sawara
13:43 –13:55 MATSURI: The Heartbeat of Japan
Kawanishi Dainenbutsu Kenbai: Iwate
13:43 –13:55 MATSURI: The Heartbeat of Japan
Gataine Odori: Omuta
13:45 –14:00 Zero Waste Life
Upcycling Old School
13:55 –14:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Cooling Off Along Takinogawa River
13:55 –14:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Airing Laundry at the Local Well
13:55 –14:00 Chatroom Japan
Carving the Spirit of Fishermen
14:00 –14:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
14:00 –14:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
14:00 –14:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
14:00 –14:10 NHK NEWSLINE
14:00 –14:10 NHK NEWSLINE
14:10 –15:00 Aso Jinja
A Shinto Shrine Rises from the Rubble
Decoding the Chinese Document Leaks
14:30 –14:45 Direct Talk
Highlighting the Lives of Individuals
14:30 –14:55 I'm Still Here
An A-Bomb Victim Speaks
14:30 –15:00 Stoking the Fire of Hope
14:45 –15:00 Japan's Top Inventions
Massage Chairs
14:55 –15:00 Time-lapse Journey
15:00 – 20:00 Uhr 20:00 – 24:00 Uhr 24:00 – 05:00 Uhr