
Freitag, 28.03. Samstag, 29.03. Sonntag, 30.03. Montag, 31.03. Dienstag, 01.04. NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr 10:00 – 15:00 Uhr
10:00 –10:14 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:10 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:10 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:14 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:30 NHK NEWSLINE
10:10 –10:55 The Professionals
A Traveling Family, Keeping Spring Alive: Fujii Takaharu, Beekeeper
10:10 –10:40 CYCLE AROUND JAPAN Highlights
The Old Hokuriku Kaido - Exploring a Forgotten Highway
10:14 –10:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
10:14 –10:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
10:15 –10:30 Direct Talk
10:15 –10:23 NEWSLINE BIZ
10:23 –10:30 Japan From Above: UpClose
10:30 –11:00 Japan Railway Journal
Shining a Light on Japan's Monorails
10:30 –10:57 Hometown Stories
Nagasaki's Long-Forgotten Choir
10:30 –10:45 DEEPER LOOK
10:40 –10:50 Herbal Symphony
Seeding the Future
10:45 –11:00 BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
Sendai Metropolis
10:50 –10:55 IMPACTS:Climates Change the World
10:55 –11:00 Dining With the Chef mini
Sukiyaki-style Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry over Rice
10:55 –11:00 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Fukui: Tojinbo Cliffs and Lacquerware
10:57 –11:00 The Masterpieces of Ukiyo-e producer Tsutaju
The Actor Ichikawa Ebizo as Takemura Sadanoshin
11:00 –11:17 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:10 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:10 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:14 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:30 NHK NEWSLINE
11:10 –11:40 Japan in Focus
The Realities of Non-Profits after the Noto Earthquake
11:10 –11:37 Hometown Stories
A Mosque in a Japanese Community
11:14 –11:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
11:15 –11:30 Direct Talk
11:17 –11:18 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
11:18 –11:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
11:30 –12:00 Asia Insight
11:30 –12:00 Satoyama Kitchen Diary
All Together to Save the Game!
11:30 –12:00 Medical Frontiers
Breakthroughs in Stopping Aging
11:37 –11:40 Easy Japanese
I want to go to Japan someday.
11:40 –11:50 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
11:40 –11:45 Core Kyoto mini
Stone Jizo: Neighborhood guardians watch over children
11:45 –12:00 Wild Hokkaido!
Winter Horse Trekking in Spectacular Scenery
11:50 –12:00 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
12:00 –12:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
12:00 –12:10 NHK NEWSLINE
12:00 –12:10 NHK NEWSLINE
12:00 –12:17 NHK NEWS 7
12:00 –12:30 NHK NEWS 7
12:10 –12:40 History Uncovered
Haniwa: A Massage in Clay
12:10 –12:35 Darwin's Amazing Animals
Foot-Flagging Ninja Hopper -- Black-Spotted Rock Frog, Malaysia
12:17 –12:18 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
12:18 –12:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
12:27 –12:40 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
12:30 –13:00 Where We Call Home
Mr. Deo, the Dedicated Teacher
12:30 –13:00 Journeys in Japan
12:35 –12:40 Time-lapse Journey
Hirosaki Park
12:40 –12:55 Direct Talk
Leslie M. M. Blum / Journalist and Author
12:40 –12:55 NINJA TRUTH
Ninja Arts Inspired by the Animal Kingdom
12:40 –12:50 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
12:50 –13:00 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
12:55 –13:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Ritual Purification at Roben Falls
12:55 –13:00 Core Kyoto mini
Stone Jizo: Neighborhood guardians watch over children
13:00 –13:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:00 –13:10 NHK NEWSLINE
13:00 –13:10 NHK NEWSLINE
13:00 –13:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:00 –13:28 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:10 –14:00 Digital Eye
The Hunt for the Dark Fleets
13:10 –13:55 Lafcadio Hearn
13:27 –13:28 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
13:28 –13:40 Direct Talk
Nakajima Ryuta
13:28 –13:43 Direct Talk
Kiyokawa Hiroki Lacquer Art Restorer
13:30 –13:45 BENTO EXPO
Season 5: Episode 14
13:43 –13:55 MATSURI: The Heartbeat of Japan
Hyoge Matsuri: Kagawa-cho
13:43 –13:55 MATSURI: The Heartbeat of Japan
Gojinjo Taiko: Nafune-machi
13:45 –14:00 Zero Waste Life
13:55 –14:00 The Beauty of Japanese Swords - Famous Masterpieces
The Sword of Sincerity
13:55 –14:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
The Niwaka Costume Festival
13:55 –14:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Clam-Digging at the Beach in Style
14:00 –14:15 NHK NEWSLINE
14:00 –14:10 NHK NEWSLINE
14:00 –14:10 NHK NEWSLINE
14:00 –14:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
14:00 –14:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
14:10 –15:00 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
Winter delicacies in Hokuriku
14:10 –14:55 Documentary 360
14:15 –14:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
14:30 –15:00 CATCH JAPAN
14:30 –14:40 Activate Your Japanese!
Chasing a dream
14:30 –15:00 Dining with the Chef
14:40 –14:45 Easy Japanese
From what time to what time can we use the bath?
14:45 –14:55 Culture Crossroads - BOSAI: Be Prepared
Children's Needs in Disasters
14:55 –15:00 RAMEN JAPAN 5min.
Hokuriku: Land of Bounty and shining Stars
15:00 – 20:00 Uhr
15:00 –15:15 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:10 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:10 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:15 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:30 NHK NEWSLINE
15:10 –15:40 CYCLE AROUND JAPAN Highlights
The Old Hokuriku Kaido - Exploring a Forgotten Highway
15:10 –16:00 My Job in Japan 2025
15:15 –15:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
15:15 –15:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
15:30 –16:00 Japan in Focus
The Realities of Non-Profits after the Noto Earthquake
15:30 –16:00 Seasoning the Seasons
Local Train Lines: The Ride of Our Lives
15:30 –16:00 Document 72 Hours
15:40 –15:50 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
15:50 –16:00 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
16:00 –16:15 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:10 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:10 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:15 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:30 NHK NEWSLINE
16:10 –16:37 Hometown Stories
A Mosque in a Japanese Community
16:10 –16:35 Darwin's Amazing Animals
Foot-Flagging Ninja Hopper -- Black-Spotted Rock Frog, Malaysia
16:15 –16:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
16:15 –16:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
16:30 –17:00 Asia Insight
16:30 –17:00 Medical Frontiers
Breakthroughs in Stopping Aging
16:30 –17:00 Science View
Microorganisms Living in Extreme Environments
16:35 –16:40 Time-lapse Journey
Hirosaki Park
16:37 –16:40 Easy Japanese
I want to go to Japan someday.
16:40 –16:45 Core Kyoto mini
Stone Jizo: Neighborhood guardians watch over children
16:40 –16:50 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
16:45 –17:00 Wild Hokkaido!
Winter Horse Trekking in Spectacular Scenery
16:50 –17:00 Mitateru-phose: Let's Change Perspectives!
17:00 –17:15 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:10 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:10 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:15 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:30 NHK NEWSLINE
17:10 –17:40 History Uncovered
Haniwa: A Massage in Clay
17:10 –17:40 Satoyama Kitchen Diary
All Together to Save the Game!
17:15 –17:30 Direct Talk
17:15 –17:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
17:30 –18:00 Rene and Me
17:30 –18:00 Where We Call Home
Mr. Deo, the Dedicated Teacher
17:30 –18:00 Journeys in Japan
17:40 –17:55 NINJA TRUTH
Ninja Arts Inspired by the Animal Kingdom
17:40 –17:45 PythagoraSwitch mini
17:45 –18:00 Easy Japanese for Work
Asking questions using keego
17:55 –18:00 Core Kyoto mini
Stone Jizo: Neighborhood guardians watch over children
18:00 –18:15 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:10 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:10 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:15 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:30 NHK NEWSLINE
18:10 –18:55 The Professionals
A Traveling Family, Keeping Spring Alive: Fujii Takaharu, Beekeeper
18:10 –18:55 Lafcadio Hearn
18:15 –18:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
18:30 –18:45 BENTO EXPO
Season 5: Episode 14
18:30 –18:57 Hometown Stories
Nagasaki's Long-Forgotten Choir
18:30 –18:45 GRAND SUMO Highlights
18:45 –19:00 Zero Waste Life
18:45 –18:55 Dig More Japan
In the Classroom
18:55 –19:00 Dining With the Chef mini
Sukiyaki-style Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry over Rice
18:55 –19:00 The Beauty of Japanese Swords - Famous Masterpieces
The Sword of Sincerity
18:55 –18:57 Dining With the Chef mini
Crystal-clear Cherry Blossom Jelly and Matcha
18:57 –19:00 The Masterpieces of Ukiyo-e producer Tsutaju
The Actor Ichikawa Ebizo as Takemura Sadanoshin
18:57 –19:00 Sumopedia
19:00 –19:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
19:00 –19:10 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:10 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:15 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:30 NHK NEWSLINE
19:10 –20:00 Digital Eye
The Hunt for the Dark Fleets
19:10 –19:40 Japan's Top Inventions
Non-sprinkler Snow Melting Systems / Security Equipment
19:15 –19:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
19:27 –19:40 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
19:30 –19:40 Activate Your Japanese!
Chasing a dream
19:30 –20:00 Dining with the Chef
19:40 –19:55 Direct Talk
19:40 –19:55 BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
Sendai Metropolis
19:40 –19:45 Easy Japanese
From what time to what time can we use the bath?
19:45 –19:55 Culture Crossroads - BOSAI: Be Prepared
Children's Needs in Disasters
19:55 –20:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Ritual Purification at Roben Falls
19:55 –20:00 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Fukui: Tojinbo Cliffs and Lacquerware
Hokuriku: Land of Bounty and shining Stars
20:00 – 24:00 Uhr 24:00 – 05:00 Uhr