
Sonntag, 23.03. Montag, 24.03. Dienstag, 25.03. Mittwoch, 26.03. Donnerstag, 27.03. NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr 10:00 – 15:00 Uhr 15:00 – 20:00 Uhr 20:00 – 24:00 Uhr
20:00 –20:10 NHK NEWSLINE
20:00 –20:27 Hometown Stories
Unfolding a Life with Origami
20:00 –20:30 CYCLE AROUND JAPAN Highlights
Yamaguchi - Where Kindness is King
20:00 –20:30 Tokyo's Bobsled Factories
20:00 –20:30 Japan's Top Inventions
Ultra-High-Speed Elevators / Carton Filling Machines
20:10 –20:35 Hokuriku: Land of Bounty and Shining Stars
20:27 –20:30 Easy Japanese
It's small but beautiful.
20:30 –20:35 Core Kyoto mini
Fushimi Inari Taisha: A manifestation of prayers to the deities
20:30 –21:00 Document 72 Hours
The Station Under the Cherry Blossoms
20:30 –21:00 FRONTRUNNERS
20:30 –21:00 Japanology Plus
Rokyoku: Musical Storytelling
20:35 –21:00 Small Journeys
A World of Tiny Blossoms - Mt. Hakusan, Ishikawa Prefecture -
20:35 –20:50 Wild Hokkaido!
Dog Sledding in Minamifurano
20:50 –20:55 Time-lapse Japan
KAIZOKU: Noshima Island
Shiretoko Underwater Photographer
21:00 –21:10 NHK NEWSLINE
21:00 –21:18 NHK NEWSLINE
21:00 –21:18 NHK NEWSLINE
21:00 –21:18 NHK NEWSLINE
21:00 –21:18 NHK NEWSLINE
21:10 –21:40 tiny desk concerts JAPAN
yano et agatsuma
21:18 –21:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
21:18 –21:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
21:18 –21:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
21:18 –21:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
21:30 –22:00 Medical Frontiers
A Long-Lasting Artificial Hip Joint To Change Your Life
21:30 –22:00 Science View
Phased Array Radar Promises Precise Weather Forecasting
21:30 –22:00 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
21:30 –22:00 Japan Railway Journal
Shining a Light on Japan's Monorails
21:40 –21:55 Easy Japanese for Work
Making Suggestions
21:55 –22:00 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Toyama: The Fruits of a Fall Harvest
22:00 –22:10 NHK NEWSLINE
22:00 –22:18 NHK NEWSLINE
22:00 –22:18 NHK NEWSLINE
22:00 –22:18 NHK NEWSLINE
22:00 –22:18 NHK NEWSLINE
22:10 –22:35 Darwin's Amazing Animals
Tiny Terror -- Japanese Tiger Beetle, Japan
22:18 –22:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
22:18 –22:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
22:18 –22:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
22:18 –22:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
22:30 –23:00 Where We Call Home
Keeping the Traditions of Noto Alive
22:30 –23:00 Journeys in Japan
Hida: Deep Winter Escape
22:30 –23:00 Dive in Tokyo
Along the Setagaya Line - A Taste of the Slow Life
22:30 –23:00 Core Kyoto
Traditional Music Instruments
22:35 –22:40 Time-lapse Journey
22:40 –22:50 Design Ah neo
The"Assemble" Special
22:50 –23:00 Design Ah neo
Escape Routes
23:00 –23:10 NHK NEWSLINE
23:00 –23:18 NHK NEWSLINE
23:00 –23:18 NHK NEWSLINE
23:00 –23:18 NHK NEWSLINE
23:00 –23:18 NHK NEWSLINE
23:10 –23:40 Japan's Top Inventions
Ultra-High-Speed Elevators / Carton Filling Machines
23:18 –23:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
23:18 –23:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
23:18 –23:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
23:18 –23:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
23:30 –23:35 One in Every Japanese
1/1000: Lay Judges
23:30 –00:00 Dining with the Chef
Cook Around Japan / Toyama: Flavors Crafted by Time
23:30 –23:45 RAMEN JAPAN
23:30 –00:00 DESIGN X STORIES
Playful Learning
23:35 –23:40 One in Every Japanese
1/2: People Who Don't Drink
23:40 –23:55 BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
Digital Twin
23:40 –23:45 One in Every Japanese
1/50: People Who Lost A Newborn
23:45 –23:55 Culture Crossroads
Sing for Ukraine, Sing for Peace
23:45 –23:55 Magical Japanese
23:55 –00:00 PythagoraSwitch mini
Hokuriku: Land of Bounty and shining Stars
23:55 –00:00 Core Kyoto mini
Hinoki Bark Thatching: The age-old skills for roofing
24:00 – 05:00 Uhr