
Samstag, 15.03. Sonntag, 16.03. Montag, 17.03. Dienstag, 18.03. Mittwoch, 19.03. NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr 10:00 – 15:00 Uhr 15:00 – 20:00 Uhr
15:00 –15:10 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:10 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:15 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:15 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:15 NHK NEWSLINE
15:10 –15:40 BIZ STREAM
Seeing is More than Believing
American Comic Book Anime
15:15 –15:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
15:15 –15:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
15:15 –15:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
15:30 –16:00 Medical Frontiers
Treating COPD for Longevity
15:30 –16:00 Science View
Special Episode: Creating Blood Vessels! A Life-Saving Transplant for Heart Failure
15:30 –16:00 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
15:35 –15:40 Time-lapse 3min.
15:40 –15:50 Texico
15:40 –15:50 Let's Enjoy MATH with Barky the Dog
Can You Make a Measure? -Units of Length-
15:50 –16:00 Listen to the Earth
How to Stay Safe in a Flood
15:50 –16:00 TAKE TECH
Cut With the Wedge
16:00 –16:10 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:10 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:15 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:15 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:15 NHK NEWSLINE
16:10 –16:37 Hometown Stories
A School for Two
16:10 –16:40 J-MELO
Suzuki Konomi and Yui Nishio
16:15 –16:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
16:15 –16:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
16:15 –16:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
16:30 –17:00 Where We Call Home
A Food Truck to Bridge Cultural Gaps
16:30 –17:00 Journeys in Japan
Gunma: Raking in Good Luck
16:30 –17:00 Dive in Tokyo
Haneda - Memories of Sky and Sea
16:37 –16:40 Easy Japanese
I want to see the snow.
16:40 –16:45 Core Kyoto mini
An Artistic Lineage: Nurturing a painting tradition
16:40 –16:45 PythagoraSwitch mini
16:45 –17:00 Wild Hokkaido!
Boarding Extreeeeeme! In the Cold of Shiribeshi
16:45 –17:00 Easy Japanese for Work
Making Apologies
17:00 –17:10 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:10 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:15 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:15 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:15 NHK NEWSLINE
17:10 –17:15 Framing Everyday Moments
Exotic Scenery
17:10 –17:25 The World Heritage Sites in Japan
The Maritime Kingdom of Prayers : Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu
17:15 –17:25 Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)
17:15 –17:30 Direct Talk
New Life for the Samurai Genre
17:15 –17:30 Direct Talk
Helping Para-Athletes Fulfill Their Dreams
17:15 –17:30 Direct Talk
Cannon Hersey / Artist
17:25 –17:30 The seasons of Yamato
17:25 –17:30 Time-lapse Japan
JOMON Lacquer
17:30 –17:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 7
17:30 –17:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 8
17:30 –17:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 9
17:30 –17:45 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 10
17:30 –17:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 11
17:45 –17:55 Dig More Japan
17:55 –17:57 The seasons of Yamato
17:57 –18:00 Sumopedia
Leg Tripping Techniques
17:57 –18:00 Sumopedia
Belt Fighting Style
17:57 –18:00 Sumopedia
Push and Thrust Style
17:57 –18:00 Sumopedia
Ceremonial Hand Gestures
17:57 –18:00 Sumopedia
Special Prizes
18:00 –18:10 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:10 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:15 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:15 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:15 NHK NEWSLINE
Yamaguchi - Where Kindness is King
18:10 –18:40 Japan's Top Inventions
Cockroach Traps / Residential Maps
18:15 –18:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
18:15 –18:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
18:15 –18:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
18:30 –18:40 Learn Japanese from the News
Railway Introduces Facial Recognition Boarding System
18:30 –19:00 Dining with the Chef
Cook Around Japan - Fukui: Flavors of a Northern Homeland
18:30 –18:45 Through the Kitchen Window
To Preserve and Protect
18:40 –18:55 BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life
18:40 –18:45 Easy Japanese
I want to go to Owakudani and then eat a black egg.
18:45 –18:55 Culture Crossroads
The Comedy Club Where I Belong
18:45 –18:55 Magical Japanese
18:55 –19:00 Japanology Plus mini
18:55 –19:00 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Kanagawa: Miura Sea Breeze
Hokuriku: Land of Bounty and shining Stars
18:55 –19:00 Core Kyoto mini
Karesansui: A Zen cosmos for spiritual training
19:00 –19:10 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:10 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
19:00 –19:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
19:00 –19:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
19:10 –20:00 Dear Mr. Collins
80 years since the Japanese-American Internment
19:10 –20:00 Flowers Still Bloom at Home
One Year after the Noto Earthquake
19:27 –19:40 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
19:27 –19:40 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
19:27 –19:40 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
19:40 –19:55 Direct Talk
Takenami Hiroo Nebuta Master
19:40 –19:55 Direct Talk
Sato Motoyuki Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
19:40 –19:55 Direct Talk
Julie Otsuka / Novelist
19:55 –20:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
New Year's Concert in the Inner Chambers
19:55 –20:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Fishing for Skipjack Tuna in Choshi Bay in Shimosa Province
19:55 –20:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
End of Summer Edo Aquatics
20:00 – 24:00 Uhr 24:00 – 05:00 Uhr