
Samstag, 14.09. Sonntag, 15.09. Montag, 16.09. Dienstag, 17.09. Mittwoch, 18.09. NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World NHK World 05:00 – 10:00 Uhr
05:00 –05:10 NHK NEWSLINE
05:00 –05:10 NHK NEWSLINE
05:00 –05:10 NHK NEWSLINE
05:00 –05:15 NHK NEWSLINE
05:00 –05:15 NHK NEWSLINE
05:10 –05:40 Today's Close-Up
Noto Peninsula Earthquake: Learning From First Responders
05:10 –05:35 Darwin's Amazing Animals
Conservation's Next Chapter - Japanese Crested Ibis
05:10 –05:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
05:15 –05:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
05:15 –05:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
05:23 –05:30 RAMEN JAPAN 5min.
05:30 –06:00 J-MELO
Nagayama Yoko and MYTH & ROID
05:30 –06:00 Medical Frontiers
Breakthroughs in Stopping Aging
05:30 –06:00 Science View
Japan's World-leading Transport - Part II: Trains
05:35 –05:40 Time-lapse Journey
05:40 –05:50 The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
Fun Sounds
05:40 –05:50 Fit With the Doctor's Cyborg
Today's Mission is Hurdles!
05:50 –06:00 Let's Enjoy MATH with Barky the Dog
Can You Count Them? -Numbers Larger Than 10-
05:50 –06:00 Story Land in Classical Japanese
Tsurezuregusa(Essays in Idleness)
06:00 –06:10 NHK NEWSLINE
06:00 –06:10 NHK NEWSLINE
06:00 –06:10 NHK NEWSLINE
06:00 –06:15 NHK NEWSLINE
06:00 –06:15 NHK NEWSLINE
06:10 –06:20 Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)
06:10 –06:25 The World Heritage Sites in Japan
Sericulture Rrevolution that Changed the World : Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites
06:10 –06:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
06:15 –06:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
06:15 –06:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
06:20 –06:25 The Seasons of Yamato
White Dew / The 24 Solar Terms
06:23 –06:30 Hit the Road 5minutes
06:25 –06:30 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Clam-Digging at the Beach in Style
06:25 –06:30 Time-lapse Japan
KAIZOKU: Nii Oshima Island
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 6
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 7
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 8
06:30 –06:45 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 9
06:30 –06:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 10
06:45 –06:55 Dig More Japan
06:55 –06:57 The seasons of Yamato
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
Ring Entering Ceremony
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
Sumo Hair Expert
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
Ottsuke(Forearm block)
06:57 –07:00 Sumopedia
07:00 –07:10 NHK NEWSLINE
07:00 –07:10 NHK NEWSLINE
07:00 –07:10 NHK NEWSLINE
07:00 –07:15 NHK NEWSLINE
07:00 –07:15 NHK NEWSLINE
07:10 –07:40 Japan's Top Inventions
Lint Rollers / Rotating Beacon Lights
07:10 –07:37 Hometown Stories
Modern Maiko Diaries
07:10 –07:15 On the Wings 5min.
Haneda to New Ishigaki Airport
07:15 –07:30 Direct Talk
Matthew Meyer Yokai Illustrator
07:15 –07:30 Direct Talk
Nakamura Noburo CEO, Nakamura Brace
07:15 –07:30 Direct Talk
Eniya Listiani Dewi / Renewable Energy Researcher
07:30 –08:00 Where We Call Home
Kayla's Festival of Friendship
07:30 –08:00 Journeys in Japan
Nagasaki's Obon: A Time for Remembrance
07:30 –08:00 Dive in Tokyo
Sawara, Chiba - An Old Merchant Town with Festive Spirit
07:37 –07:40 Easy Japanese
We sang songs and danced together.
07:40 –07:55 BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
Safety Tips for Hiking in Japan
07:40 –07:45 Core Kyoto mini
Furniture Restoration: Giving life to treasured heirlooms
07:45 –08:00 Wild Hokkaido!
Kayak Fishing on Shakotan Blue Waters
07:55 –08:00 PythagoraSwitch mini
08:00 –08:10 NHK NEWSLINE
08:00 –08:10 NHK NEWSLINE
08:00 –08:10 NHK NEWSLINE
08:00 –08:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
08:00 –08:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
08:10 –09:00 The Japanese Dream
Nepali Students in Japan
08:10 –09:00 Ukraine's Civilian Soldiers
The War Recorded on Smartphones
08:10 –08:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
Clothes That Transcend Time
08:30 –08:40 Learn Japanese from the News
New AI-Powered System Helps Customers Find Lost Items
08:30 –09:00 Dining with the Chef
Cook Around Japan/Nara: Beyond Generations
08:30 –08:45 NINJA TRUTH
Episode 5
08:40 –08:45 Easy Japanese
Let's take a photo.
08:45 –08:55 Culture Crossroads
Evacuee Support As Time Passes
08:45 –08:55 Magical Japanese
Navigating Disasters
08:55 –09:00 Core Kyoto mini
Zuiki Matsuri: A celebration of the local harvests
09:00 –09:10 NHK NEWSLINE
09:00 –09:10 NHK NEWSLINE
09:00 –09:10 NHK NEWSLINE
09:00 –09:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
09:00 –09:30 NEWSLINE ASIA 24
09:10 –10:00 Core Kyoto Special
Behind the scenes of Gion Matsuri
09:10 –09:20 Manben: Behind the Scenes of Manga with Urasawa Naoki
Mizuki Shigeru
09:10 –09:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
09:20 –09:25 Japanology Plus mini
09:23 –09:30 RAMEN JAPAN 5min.
09:25 –09:53 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
09:30 –10:00 Seasoning the Seasons
The Ikegami Line: Through the Heart of Tokyo
09:30 –10:00 Document 72 hours
Farewell to a Hyogo Chairlift
09:30 –10:00 FRONTRUNNERS
Coconut Entrepreneur: Mizui Yu
09:53 –10:00 On the Wings 5min.
Shizuoka to Izumo Airport
10:00 – 15:00 Uhr
10:00 –10:10 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:10 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:10 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:14 NHK NEWSLINE
10:00 –10:14 NHK NEWSLINE
10:10 –10:25 BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
Safety Tips for Hiking in Japan
10:10 –10:30 GRAND SUMO LIVE
Day 8
10:10 –10:14 Origami Magic
The Magical World of Paper Animals
10:14 –10:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
10:14 –10:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
10:14 –10:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
10:15 –10:25 NEWSLINE BIZ
10:15 –10:23 NEWSLINE BIZ
10:15 –10:23 NEWSLINE BIZ
10:23 –10:30 Supporting Believers for a Millennium:
A Kumano Kodo Temple Lodge
10:23 –10:30 Treasure Box Japan: Nara
Pray for Happiness: A tour of Nara's Buddhist statues
10:25 –10:30 PythagoraSwitch mini
10:25 –10:30 Treasure Box Japan: Wakayama
Nachi Fire Festival: Return of the Gods
10:30 –10:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 6
10:30 –10:40 GRAND SUMO Highlights
10:30 –10:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 8
10:30 –10:45 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 9
10:30 –10:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 10
10:40 –10:50 Little Charo's Adventure
10:45 –10:55 Dig More Japan
10:50 –10:55 Japanology Plus mini
10:55 –10:57 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
10:55 –10:57 The seasons of Yamato
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
Ring Entering Ceremony
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
Sumo Hair Expert
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
Ottsuke(Forearm block)
10:57 –11:00 Sumopedia
11:00 –11:10 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:10 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:10 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:14 NHK NEWSLINE
11:00 –11:14 NHK NEWSLINE
Yatsugatake - Riding High
11:10 –11:37 Hometown Stories
Modern Maiko Diaries
11:10 –11:14 Hit the Road 5minutes
11:14 –11:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
11:14 –11:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
11:14 –11:15 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
11:15 –11:30 Direct Talk
Ishihara Yurina CEO, Support for Woman's Happiness
11:15 –11:30 Direct Talk
Narayan Lal Gurjar Founder and CEO, EF Polymer
11:15 –11:30 Direct Talk
Jason Arday / Professor of Sociology of Education
11:30 –12:00 J-MELO
Nagayama Yoko and MYTH & ROID
11:30 –12:00 Medical Frontiers
Breakthroughs in Stopping Aging
11:30 –12:00 Science View
Japan's World-leading Transport - Part II: Trains
11:37 –11:40 Easy Japanese
We sang songs and danced together.
11:40 –11:45 Core Kyoto mini
Furniture Restoration: Giving life to treasured heirlooms
11:45 –12:00 Wild Hokkaido!
Kayak Fishing on Shakotan Blue Waters
11:55 –12:00 Japanology Plus mini
12:00 –12:10 NHK NEWSLINE
12:00 –12:10 NHK NEWSLINE
12:00 –12:15 NHK NEWSLINE
12:00 –12:17 NHK NEWSLINE
12:00 –12:17 NHK NEWSLINE
12:10 –12:40 Today's Close-Up
Noto Peninsula Earthquake: Learning From First Responders
12:10 –12:35 Darwin's Amazing Animals
Conservation's Next Chapter - Japanese Crested Ibis
12:15 –12:17 CAT ENCOUNTERS
Being the Boss
12:17 –12:18 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
12:17 –12:18 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
12:17 –12:18 NL Bridge
NL Bridge
12:18 –12:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
12:18 –12:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
12:18 –12:30 NEWSLINE BIZ
12:30 –13:00 Where We Call Home
Kayla's Festival of Friendship
12:30 –13:00 Journeys in Japan
Nagasaki's Obon: A Time for Remembrance
12:30 –13:00 Dive in Tokyo
Sawara, Chiba - An Old Merchant Town with Festive Spirit
12:35 –12:40 Time-lapse Journey
12:40 –12:50 The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
Fun Sounds
12:40 –12:50 Fit With the Doctor's Cyborg
Today's Mission is Hurdles!
12:50 –13:00 Let's Enjoy MATH with Barky the Dog
Can You Count Them? -Numbers Larger Than 10-
12:50 –13:00 Story Land in Classical Japanese
Tsurezuregusa(Essays in Idleness)
13:00 –13:10 NHK NEWSLINE
13:00 –13:10 NHK NEWSLINE
13:00 –13:15 NHK NEWSLINE
13:00 –13:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:00 –13:27 NEWSROOM TOKYO
13:10 –13:40 Japan's Top Inventions
Lint Rollers / Rotating Beacon Lights
13:10 –14:00 Somewhere Street
13:15 –13:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
13:27 –13:40 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
13:27 –13:40 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
13:30 –13:40 Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)
13:40 –13:55 The World Heritage Sites in Japan
Sericulture Rrevolution that Changed the World : Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites
13:40 –13:55 Direct Talk
Matthew Meyer Yokai Illustrator
13:40 –13:55 Direct Talk
Nakamura Noburo CEO, Nakamura Brace
13:40 –13:55 Direct Talk
Eniya Listiani Dewi / Renewable Energy Researcher
13:55 –14:00 The Seasons of Yamato
White Dew / The 24 Solar Terms
13:55 –14:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Cooling Off Along Takinogawa River
13:55 –14:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Airing Laundry at the Local Well
13:55 –14:00 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(1)
"The Great Wave off Kanagawa" by Hokusai
14:00 –14:10 NHK NEWSLINE
14:00 –14:10 NHK NEWSLINE
14:00 –14:10 NHK NEWSLINE
14:00 –14:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
14:00 –14:30 NEWSROOM TOKYO
14:10 –15:00 The Japanese Dream
Nepali Students in Japan
14:10 –15:00 Ukraine's Civilian Soldiers
The War Recorded on Smartphones
14:10 –14:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
14:23 –14:30 On the Wings 5min.
Haneda to New Chitose Airport
14:30 –14:40 Learn Japanese from the News
New AI-Powered System Helps Customers Find Lost Items
14:30 –15:00 Dining with the Chef
Cook Around Japan/Nara: Beyond Generations
14:30 –14:45 NINJA TRUTH
Episode 5
14:40 –14:45 Easy Japanese
Let's take a photo.
14:45 –14:55 Culture Crossroads
Evacuee Support As Time Passes
14:45 –14:55 Magical Japanese
Navigating Disasters
14:55 –15:00 Core Kyoto mini
Zuiki Matsuri: A celebration of the local harvests
15:00 – 20:00 Uhr
15:00 –15:10 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:10 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:10 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:15 NHK NEWSLINE
15:00 –15:15 NHK NEWSLINE
15:10 –16:00 Core Kyoto Special
Behind the scenes of Gion Matsuri
15:10 –15:53 Manben: Behind the Scenes of Manga with Urasawa Naoki
Mizuki Shigeru
15:10 –15:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
15:15 –15:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
15:15 –15:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
Designing Thread
15:30 –16:00 Seasoning the Seasons
The Ikegami Line: Through the Heart of Tokyo
15:30 –16:00 Document 72 hours
Farewell to a Hyogo Chairlift
15:30 –16:00 FRONTRUNNERS
Coconut Entrepreneur: Mizui Yu
15:53 –16:00 On the Wings 5min.
Shizuoka to Izumo Airport
16:00 –16:10 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:10 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:10 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:15 NHK NEWSLINE
16:00 –16:15 NHK NEWSLINE
16:10 –16:40 BIZ STREAM
Community-Building Business Models
16:10 –16:35 Darwin's Amazing Animals
Conservation's Next Chapter - Japanese Crested Ibis
16:10 –16:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
16:15 –16:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
16:15 –16:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
16:23 –16:30 RAMEN JAPAN 5min.
16:30 –17:00 Medical Frontiers
Breakthroughs in Stopping Aging
16:30 –17:00 Science View
Japan's World-leading Transport - Part II: Trains
16:30 –17:00 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
16:35 –16:40 Time-lapse Journey
16:40 –16:50 The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
Fun Sounds
16:40 –16:50 Fit With the Doctor's Cyborg
Today's Mission is Hurdles!
16:50 –17:00 Let's Enjoy MATH with Barky the Dog
Can You Count Them? -Numbers Larger Than 10-
16:50 –17:00 Story Land in Classical Japanese
Tsurezuregusa(Essays in Idleness)
17:00 –17:10 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:10 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:10 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:15 NHK NEWSLINE
17:00 –17:15 NHK NEWSLINE
17:10 –17:37 Hometown Stories
Modern Maiko Diaries
17:10 –17:40 J-MELO
Nagayama Yoko and MYTH & ROID
17:10 –17:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
17:15 –17:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
17:15 –17:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
17:23 –17:30 Hit the Road 5minutes
17:30 –18:00 Where We Call Home
Kayla's Festival of Friendship
17:30 –18:00 Journeys in Japan
Nagasaki's Obon: A Time for Remembrance
17:30 –18:00 Dive in Tokyo
Sawara, Chiba - An Old Merchant Town with Festive Spirit
17:37 –17:40 Easy Japanese
We sang songs and danced together.
17:40 –17:45 Core Kyoto mini
Furniture Restoration: Giving life to treasured heirlooms
17:40 –17:45 PythagoraSwitch mini
17:45 –18:00 Wild Hokkaido!
Kayak Fishing on Shakotan Blue Waters
17:45 –18:00 Easy Japanese for Work
Reporting to a superior that a coworker is ill
18:00 –18:10 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:10 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:10 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:15 NHK NEWSLINE
18:00 –18:15 NHK NEWSLINE
18:10 –18:15 Framing Everyday Moments
18:10 –18:25 The World Heritage Sites in Japan
Sericulture Rrevolution that Changed the World : Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites
18:10 –18:15 On the Wings 5min.
Haneda to Fukuoka Airport
18:15 –18:25 Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)
18:15 –18:30 Direct Talk
Matthew Meyer Yokai Illustrator
18:15 –18:30 Direct Talk
Nakamura Noburo CEO, Nakamura Brace
18:15 –18:30 Direct Talk
Eniya Listiani Dewi / Renewable Energy Researcher
18:25 –18:30 The Seasons of Yamato
White Dew / The 24 Solar Terms
18:25 –18:30 Time-lapse Japan
KAIZOKU: Nii Oshima Island
18:30 –18:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 7
18:30 –18:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 8
18:30 –18:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 9
18:30 –18:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 10
18:30 –18:57 GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 11
18:57 –19:00 Sumopedia
18:57 –19:00 Sumopedia
Sumo Hair Expert
18:57 –19:00 Sumopedia
Ottsuke(Forearm block)
18:57 –19:00 Sumopedia
18:57 –19:00 Sumopedia
Ceremonial Guards
19:00 –19:10 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:10 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:10 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:15 NHK NEWSLINE
19:00 –19:15 NHK NEWSLINE
Yatsugatake - Riding High
19:10 –19:40 Japan's Top Inventions
Lint Rollers / Rotating Beacon Lights
19:10 –19:23 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
19:15 –19:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
19:15 –19:30 NEWSLINE IN DEPTH
Hand-making the Scenery of Life
19:30 –19:40 Learn Japanese from the News
New AI-Powered System Helps Customers Find Lost Items
19:30 –20:00 Dining with the Chef
Cook Around Japan/Nara: Beyond Generations
19:30 –19:45 NINJA TRUTH
Episode 5
19:40 –19:55 BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
Safety Tips for Hiking in Japan
19:40 –19:45 Easy Japanese
Let's take a photo.
19:45 –19:55 Culture Crossroads
Evacuee Support As Time Passes
19:45 –19:55 Magical Japanese
19:55 –20:00 Japanology Plus mini
19:55 –20:00 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Mie: Comfy Cats Sitting in Laps
Navigating Disasters
19:55 –20:00 Core Kyoto mini
Zuiki Matsuri: A celebration of the local harvests
20:00 – 24:00 Uhr 24:00 – 05:00 Uhr