
Heute, 27.03.
0530 – 0600


Lindner fischt am Limit 2015
Auf Schwarzbarsch im Herbst

Fischen im Herbst ist eine völlig neue Erfahrung. Fischen im Herbst ist eine völlig neue Erfahrung., Fall smallmouth bass fishing is almost always dynamite. In fact, if I had to pick one month out of the year to fish for smallmouth bass I would choose the month of October. During the month of October, these fall smallmouths make such great changes, you are going to go through a full spectrum of presentations in a relatively short period of time. We can break the month up into two different periods. The first two weeks and the last two weeks.


Regie Al Lindner


Tiger Muskellungen werde häufig von Fischereibehörden ausgesetzt um die Ausbreitung ungewollter Spezies zu kontrollieren - sehr zur Freude der Angler. Bypassed musky opportunities off the beaten path. Fisheries departments often stock Tigers to help control unwanted populations of white suckers goldfish or other unwanted forage species often with great success as a bonus they provide exceptional fishing opportunities for catching large powerful willing biters it's kind of a win-win for anglers and Fisheries departments alike and because Tigers are sterile hybrids there's no dangers of them establishing their own self-sustaining population, Tiger Muskellungen werde häufig von Fischereibehörden ausgesetzt um die Ausbreitung ungewollter Spezies zu kontrollieren - sehr zur Freude der Angler.